Pole Vault

The Competition

1. Competitors may have the uprights, or supports, moved in either

direction, but not more than 40cm in the direction of the runway, and

not more than 80cm to the landing area from the prolongation of the

inside edge of the top of the box.

The competitor shall, before the competition starts, inform the official

responsible of the position of the uprights or the supports he requires

for his first attempt and this position shall be recorded.

If subsequently the competitor wants to make any changes, he should

immediately inform the official responsible before the uprights have

been set in accordance with his initial wishes. Failure to do this shall

lead to the start of his time limit.

Note: A white line 1cm wide may be drawn at right angles to the axis

of the runway, at the level of the inside edge of the top of the box.

This line shall be prolonged as far as the outside edge of the uprights.

2. A competitor fails if:

(a)after the vault, the bar does not remain on the supports because

of the action of the competitor whilst vaulting; or

(b)he touches the ground, including the landing area beyond the

vertical plane through the upper part of the stopboard with any

part of his body or with the pole, without first clearing the bar; or

(c)after leaving the ground he places his lower hand above the

upper one or moves the upper hand higher on the pole.

(d)during the vault an athlete replaces deliberately with his hands or

fingers a bar which is about to fall off the supports.

Note: It is not a foul, if the competitor runs outside the white lines

marking the runway at any point.

3. Competitors are permitted, during the competition, to place a

substance on their hands or on the pole, in order to obtain a better


The use of tape on the hands or fingers shall not be allowed except in

the case of the need to cover an open wound.

4. No one shall be allowed to touch the pole unless it is falling away

from the bar or uprights. If it is touched, however, and the Referee is

of the opinion that, but for the intervention, the bar would have been

knocked off, the vault shall be recorded as a failure.

5. If, in making an attempt, the competitor's pole is broken, it shall not

be counted as a failure.

The Runway

6. The minimum length of the runway shall be 40m and, where

conditions permit, 45m. It should have a minimum width of 1.22m

and a maximum width of 1.25m. The runway should be marked by

white lines 5cm in width.

7. The maximum allowance for lateral inclination of the runway shall

be 1:100 and the overall inclination in the running direction 1:1000.


8. Box. The take-off for the Pole Vault shall be from a box. It shall be

constructed of suitable rigid material, and shall be sunk level with

the runway and shall be 1m in length, measured along the inside of

the bottom of the box, 60cm in width at the front end and tapering

to 15cm in width at the bottom of the stop board. The length of the

box at runway level and the depth of the stop board are determined

by the angle of 105° formed between the base and the stop board.

The base of the box shall slope from runway level at the front end to

a vertical distance below ground level of 20cm at the point where it

meets the stop board. The box should be constructed in such a

manner that the sides slope outwards and end next to the stop board

at an angle of approximately 120° to the base.

If the box is constructed of wood, the bottom shall be lined with

2.5mm sheet metal for a distance of 80cm from the front of the box.

9. Uprights. Any style of uprights or posts may be used, provided they

are rigid. It is recommended that the metallic structure of the base of

the uprights be covered with padding of appropriate material in

order to provide protection to the athletes.

10.Supports for crossbar. The crossbar shall rest on pegs so that if it is

touched by the competitor or his pole, it will fall easily to the

ground in the direction of the landing area. The pegs shall be

without notches or indentations of any kind, of uniform thickness

throughout and not more than 13mm in diameter. They shall not

extend more than 75mm from the uprights which should extend 35-40mm

above the supports.

The distance between the supports, or between the extension arms,

if used, shall be not less than 4.30m nor more than 4.37m.

The pegs may not be covered with rubber or with any other material

which has the effect of increasing the friction between them and the

surface of the bar, nor may they have any kind of springs.

Note: To lessen the chance of injury to a competitor by his falling

on the feet of the uprights, the pegs supporting the crossbar may be

placed upon extension arms permanently attached to the uprights,

thus allowing the uprights to be placed wider apart, without

increasing the length of the crossbar.

Vaulting Poles

11.Competitors may use their own poles. No competitor shall be

allowed to use any other competitor's pole except with the consent

of the owner.


The pole may be of any material or combination of materials and of

any length or diameter, but the basic surface must be smooth. The

pole may have a binding of not more than two layers of adhesive

tape of uniform thickness and with a smooth surface.

This restriction does not however, apply to binding the bottom end

of the pole with protective layers of tape for a distance of

approximately 30cm to reduce the risk of damaging the pole when

striking the back of the box.

The Landing Area

12.The landing area should measure not less than 5mx5m. The sides of

the landing area nearest to the box shall be placed 10cm to 15cm

from the box and shall slope away from the box at an angle of

approximately 30°.