VERTICALJUMP - General Conditions 1. Before the competition begins, the Chief Judge shall announce to the competitors the starting height and the subsequent heights to which the bar will be raised at the end of each round, until there is only one competitor remaining having won the competition, or there is a tie for first place. Trials 2. A competitor may commence jumping/vaulting at any height previously announced by the Chief Judge and may jump/vault at his own discretion at any subsequent height. Three consecutive failures, regardless of the height at which any of such failures occur, disqualify from further jumping/vaulting except in the case of a tie for first place. The effect of this Rule is that a competitor may forego his second or third trial at a particular height (after failing first or second time) and still jump/vault at a subsequent height. If a competitor forgoes a trial at a certain height, he may not make any subsequent attempt at that height, except in the case of a tie for first place. 3. Even after all the other competitors have failed, a competitor is entitled to continue jumping until he has forfeited his right to compete further. 4. Unless there is only one competitor remaining and he has won the competition: (a)the bar should never be raised by less than 2cm in the High Jump and 5cm in the Pole Vault after each round; and (b)the increment of the raising of the bar should never increase. This rule shall not apply once the athletes still competing agree to raise it to a World Record height directly. After the competitor has won the competition, the height or heights to which the bar is raised shall be decided by the competitor, in consultation with the relevant Judge or Referee. Note: This does not apply for a Combined Events Competition. In a Combined Events Competition held under Rule 12.1(a), (b) and (c), each increase shall be uniformly 3cm in the High Jump and 10cm in the Pole Vault throughout the competition. Measurements 5. All measurements shall be made, in whole centimetres, perpendicularly from the ground to the lowest part of the upper side of the bar. 6. Any measurement of a new height shall be made before competitors attempt such height. In all cases of records, the Judges shall check the measurement when the bar is placed at the record height and they shall re-check the measurement before each subsequent record attempt if the bar has been touched since last measured. Note: Judges should ensure, before starting the competition, that the underside and front of the crossbar are distinguishable, and that the bar is always replaced with the same surface uppermost and the same surface to the front. Crossbar 7. The crossbar shall be made of fibre-glass, metal or other suitable material, circular in cross-section except for the end pieces. The overall length of the crossbar shall be 4.00m (±2cm) in the High Jump and 4.50m(±2cm) in Pole Vault. The maximum weight of the crossbar shall be 2kg in the High Jump and 2.25kg in Pole Vault. The diameter of the circular part of the crossbar shall be 30mm (± 1mm). The crossbar shall consist of three parts - the circular bar and two end pieces, each 30-35mm wide and 15-20cm long for the purpose of resting on the supports of the uprights. These end pieces may have a semicircular or square cross-section, they shall be hard and smooth. They may not be covered with rubber or any other material, which has the effect of increasing the friction between them and the supports. The crossbar shall have no bias and, when in place, shall sag a maximum of 2cm in the High Jump and 3cm in Pole Vault. Control of elasticity: Hang 3kg weight in the middle of the crossbar when in position. It may sag a maximum of 7cm in the High Jump and 11cm in Pole Vault. Ties 8. Ties shall be resolved as follows: (a)The competitor with the lowest number of jumps at the height at which the tie occurs shall be awarded the higher place. (b)If the tie still remains, the competitor with the lowest total of failures throughout the competition up to and including the height last cleared, shall be awarded the higher place. (c)If the tie still remains: (i) If it concerns the first place, the competitors tying shall have one more jump at the lowest height at which any of those involved in the tie have lost their right to continue jumping, and if no decision is reached, the bar shall be raised if the tying athletes were successful or lowered if not, 2cm for the High Jump and 5cm for the Pole Vault. They shall then attempt one jump at each height until the tie is resolved. Competitors so tying must jump on each occasion when resolving the tie. (See example 1) High Jump - Example 1 Heights announced by the Chief Judge at the beginning of competition: 1.75m; 1.80m; 1.84m; 1.88m; 1.91m; 1.94m; 1.97m; 1.99m… O = Cleared X = Failed - = Did not Jump (ii) If it concerns any other place, the competitors shall be awarded thesame place in the competition (see example 2). High Jump - Example 2
A, B, C and D all cleared 1.92m and failed at 1.94m. The Rule regarding ties comes into operation, and as "D" cleared 1.92m at his second attempt, the others taking three, he is declared the winner. The other three will tie and the Judges add up the total number of failures, up to and including the height last cleared, i.e. 1.92m. "C" has more failures than "A" or "B", and is therefore awarded fourth place. "A" and "B" still tie and as this does not concern first place, they share second place. |